Sunshine Award!


A couple of weeks ago, Heather at Simply Save nominated me to the Sunshine Award. It sure put a smile to my face, and I really appreciate it! I’m only sorry it’s taken me this long to post about it ๐Ÿ˜‰

Thank you ever so much Simply Save for nominating Minimalist Sometimes to the Sunshine Award.

As part of the award requirements, I’m supposed to share seven random things about myself and nominate up to 15 bloggers!

Seven Random Things about me – hmmmm…

  1. I love travelling, but don’t do enough of it…
  2. I really, really like frozen margaritas – and as with travel, I don’t drink enough of them ๐Ÿ˜‰
  3. My current favourite read are Clive Cussler books – how on earth will the heroes survive this time around ๐Ÿ˜‰
  4. I once helped build a 43″ ocean sail-boat – took a few years, but also got a few years of sailing out of it
  5. I love my garden – if you couldn’t already tell…
  6. I’m a pretty good handy”man”…
  7. I was in Sri Lanka during the tsunami, December 26th, 2004I was fine, but it can’t help but change you…

My nominees:

Well let’s see – I can’t nominate Simply Saveย ๐Ÿ˜‰

There are so many I would love to nominate.. like seriously waaayyy more that 15! There are so many great blogs and people out there that really motivates me, and some have even followed me since day one. But for the sake of keeping it short and saving some for later nominations ๐Ÿ˜‰ ย I decided – 7 random facts about me – 7 nominees, that seems fitting ๐Ÿ˜‰

So here they are!

Turquoise Compassย – I travel vicariously through Jessica. She makes me want to pack my bag… just about every day!

The Next 50 Years – I love how Laura is embracing single living… and she makes me think!

Moving forwardย – It’s fun how we started our blogs around the same time, with similar ideas, and in my neighbour country ๐Ÿ™‚

What I shed todayย – A shed a day for 365 days (like I originally intended) – I love it – and he puts a smile on my face!

365 Simplifyย – Mark’s project – writing about 365 simple things – andย living a lighter life, sort of like a lot of us ๐Ÿ™‚

Spirit Lights The Way – I love how Nancy keeps an eye on me, and cheers me on! And not to mention her thought provoking posts…!

Every Week is Greenย – I can’t help but admire Joanna for her aspiration for living a more eco-friendly life – she makes me more aware and inspires me to make changes…

And Heather! Thanks again for the honour, you are a sweetheart ๐Ÿ™‚


17 thoughts on “Sunshine Award!

  1. Thank you so much for your nomination! Iโ€™m honoured and blessed to have people like you supporting my blogging and traveling journey. I canโ€™t thank you enough. I’m glad I make you want to pack a bag and leave on a jet plane.
    Jessica, Turquoise Compass


    1. You’re welcome. I love your blog, and I just couldn’t help sharing you with my other readers! And it’s true, you make me want to leave for a long travel just like you…


  2. Thank you, dear Anne! You give me smiles too, and this is a big one! I so admire your cheerfulness. After what you’ve shared of your health challenges this week, we know how remarkable your positive outlook is. We’re cheering you on!


    1. What a wonderful message to find waking up this morning ๐Ÿ™‚ thank you, and thank you for your well wishes and words. It is no doubt that it is you, my fellow bloggers, who keeps me going ๐Ÿ™‚


  3. Thanks Anne Lene! I was so excited to get this nomination ๐Ÿ™‚ I look forward to checking out the other blogs you nominated and am honored you enjoy my blog!


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