Plans for 2015?

We are halfway into January, and you’re wondering, do I have any plans for 2015?

Yes, off course 🙂

I have plans within the areas of decluttering, finance, exercise and life in general! Why don’t you let me tell you all about it 😉

In 2014, the focus was mostly on decluttering, and I’m afraid I still have ways to go 😦 Seems like decluttering and getting less stuff, inspires me to want less and less. So I will continue this in 2015. Last years goal was to declutter one item a day (365 items) and I far succeeded that, so I thought maybe I should try that one, one more time.. I think it will be harder this year to find the 365 items, but I’m sure gonna try 😉

I don’t know if you remember! Just like I’m reading myself out of my bookshelf, I’ve decided to watch myself out of my movie collection, and I also have this big, actually huge, photo project which I mentioned for you guys in November, that I will be spending time on this year.

My declutter goals for 2015;

  • 365 items
  • 100 Movies – that’s half of my collection
  • Cut my physical DVD series collection by 30% (yeah, that’s a lot, I have a lot, a lot of series)
  • 34 books –  I did 82 or something like that, out-the-door last year, but now I’m getting into more of the books I love…
  • Photo collection – oh lord…  I can’t even tell you what my goal is for this year! Half maybe?
    My overall goal is to keep key photos as physical photos, scan the other ones I’d like to have access to, and get rid of the rest. Now having several thousand photos, this is a task that will take time, and most likely spill over into 2016…

Only buying necessities
My focus last year on only buying necessities ( I want, I want – I want it now!!!) served me very well, as I had to spend quite a bit on medical treatments instead. It served me so well, I think I’d like to continue the focus this year. But with a small change compared to last years – I will add an allowance;

  • Books – I can still buy up to 10 books/magazines – preferable as e-books
  • Eating out – We did pretty good last year – we will try to squeeze even more this year, by reducing another 25% on last years results.
  • Flowers and plants – stay at the same level of last years result
  • New allowance: I can buy up to 10 non essentials throughout the year 🙂

Other financial goals
Last year I managed to pay off my car (a few months early) and I’m pretty happy with that 🙂 My ultimate goal on the other hand, is to have my house mortgage paid off, in 16 years or less, compared to the 25 it was originally. I’m 7 years in and have almost halved the mortgage so far, which is phenomenal! But it’s getting harder now that I’m on a severely reduced pay due to not working so much. Every January I pay a lump sum towards the mortgage, so my goal for 2015 is to save up 60 000 NOK for my lump sum in January 2016. If I manage that on my reduced pay, I’m doing very well.

Activity and exercise
Due to illness I have not been the most active person the last few years, every time I think I’m ready to start exercising, I’ve managed to screw that up somehow, and I’ve gotten worse again. Now on the other hand, I’m feeling better than ever and I think it’s time to give it another shot. But this time around I’m going to be careful about it and take my time!!!

The goal for this year is to build up to, by the end of the year: 7 days of activity a week, with 3 of these as real workouts.

  • By activity I mean something that gets me up and going and preferable out of the house, like a walk in the neighbour hood, work in the yard, run around playing with kids… just about anything that gets me out of that couch, gives me some fresh air, and brings me into a moving state 😉
  • With real workout I mean an activity like for example going to the gym, yoga, biking, running, Rollerblade … you get the drift.

Other activities/projects this year
I have a few other things on my agenda 🙂 Like; travel, projects in my yard, other projects, throw a garden party, ++
But these, I think I’ll tell you more about, as we move into the year 😉

So that’s it for my 2015 goals… enough don’t you think?


26 thoughts on “Plans for 2015?

  1. Good goals! I especially like the one about paying down your mortgage. I am a bit of a fanatic about personal finance these days. All in all, I think you are being very realistic. I would like to adopt some of your goals for myself, especially where the decluttering of personal papers and photos is concerned. And I have also been trying to resume my exercise in the form of regular walking. Over a month, I built my walks up to 60 minutes, but have gotten off track again with a coughing virus and of course the arctic temperatures. Today was a better day, however. But I will have to build up my walks again. To be continued, right?


    1. Thank you 🙂 I hope I’m being realistic, at least regarding my mortgage. I’ve been on a strict plan, pouring any extras into it since 2008, and it’s paying off in the sense that I’ve been shortening it a bit every year up to now. My originally plan was to be able to pay it off in 2019, but with me being ill the last 4 and something years, the finances haven’t quite allowed me this.. as I’ve had reduced pay from work and a bunch of medical expenses eating up my savings.. I’m still as you can see from my goal.. working on shortening it by quite a few years 🙂

      Working the walks up to 60 minutes in a month.. that’s not bad. I’m trying to do a few walks as well, in between the pouring rain we have had here the last few weeks. This week is looks like it’s going to be beautiful, with crystal clear, cold (did I mention cold?) sunny days. So now it’s just a matter of bundling up and get out there 🙂 Maybe we should do a monthly check up with each other, to see how we are doing? 🙂


        1. That makes two, I’m afraid 😉 I haven’t done much walking either lately.. I took a spill on the ice Monday, and I’ve been hobbling around since.. hopefully this weekend I’ll be back outdoors enjoying the beautiful weather 🙂


          1. Very cold here right now. So walking has not been in the cards. Take care of yourself. We will resume our exercise soon enough.


          2. Still not walking over here either. The weather has turned very cold. My doctor even suggested I don’t exercise much until we sort out my leg issue. I will probably try to get back to walking when the temperatures are more suitable. In the meantime, I am decluttering and preparing to paint and rearrange my bedroom closet. Up and down a ladder is like step,exercises


    1. Yeah, my pictures scares me too… a lot… So much so that I haven’t touched them this year..yet 😉 on the other goals, well… Some I’m working on slowly (very slowly) and some will be my main focus come fall/winter. I’m realising there is only 4 months left of the year, so I guess I better get at it… Thanks for the reminder 😉

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