I got framed…

A long time ago, I used to have a lot of inherited photographs, of family members. They came in all sorts of shapes and forms, and at that time I bought a few frame mats, just to have some of the pictures look a little better.

After inheriting even more photos, I suddenly got overwhelmed. I swear I had around 35 – 40 frames stacked around in my house, and not one of them was alike. Β All these different looking frames made the place look really cluttered, since I live in a much smaller place than I do today.

And then it hit me – why don’t I take all the photos, and put them all into a album instead? And that’s exactly what I did. I removed all the photos from the frames. It was a great idea, because when removing them I found even more photos tucked behind I never knew about (told you the photos was inherited right?). I had purchased a nice album with black sheets (I think older photos, look better on black), and I added them all to the album.

I tossed all the unused frames – good riddance πŸ™‚

I still left out a few photos in frames, but only kept the ones I cared most about.

For some reason I kept a couple of the frame mats, just in case πŸ˜‰ But so far I have not ever thought about using them, and today they are going out the door.

I bought a couple of clear acrylic frames 3-4 years ago, and they have been sitting in one of my drawers ever since: And in the spirit of getting rid of my frame mats, I decided to swap one of my older frames for one of the acrylic ones. That means one out, and one less in the drawer πŸ™‚ So now the picture of a much younger brother of mine, is residing in clear acrylic, as you can see below – I sure hope he don’t mind being flaunted all over the internet, but he was kinda cute πŸ˜‰

2014-02-16 13.11.53