Happy 17’th of May, Norway!

17 mai english

Today is a fine day in the Kindom of Norway

Today is the day we celebrate our independence

Today is the day to dress in yourΒ finest, our national costumes

Today is the day for parades and songs

Today is the day we greet the kings and queens.

Today is the day we fill with family and friends

Today is the day for fun, good food and ice cream

Today is the DAY!

Happy birthday everyone!

A video, explaining it all.


October – Not what I expected

I should be sitting in the middle of an scrumptious brunch right about now, at a spa and wellness center in the middle of the woods. Well that didn’t happen. Instead I’m sitting at home having my morning smoothie (which, btw, is pretty good too).

Really? What happened?Β 

Remember I told you earlier this month that this would be a busy month? With three big birthday celebration, traveling to both UK and Oslo and a 4 day stay at a spa and wellness center?

Yeah, we remember. You had just been to your firstΒ birthdayΒ party. Your stepsisters 50th. And you were off to England next. Didn’t you go?Β 

Oh, no, I had my trip to England as planned. Took off on a Tuesday and back home on Sunday (well Monday morning really) and it was a good trip, all sorts of fun. I will tell you more about it later. Now when I got home though, I got sick, which for one, kinda sucked (who wants to be sick).

No, being sick is’t all that great.Β 

The worst part, though! I had to cancel going to the birthday party in Oslo.

Oh, no..

Yeah, I had been really looking forward to hanging out with my family. You see, I haven’t seen them in quite a while. And I also have some friendsΒ in Oslo that I also haven’t seen in … like… forever. I was kinda hoping to party all night πŸ™‚ And then, next day, if my stepbrother and his wife felt up to it, I could have popped by their place for a few minutes, to hang out with my super cute nephews and check out their new house.

Guess that didn’t happen!Β 

No, and I didn’t get to hang out with my other friends either 😦

So, what about the Spa.. you did go, didn’t you? Β 

Sadly, no. The spa was part of my Oslo trip, so we cancelled that one too.


Yeah! Hanging out in the middle of the woods, with nothing but nature around, swimming pools, saunas, yoga, exercise classes, massages and I’m sure, loads of great food. It sure wouldn’t have hurt, either!


I’m with you on that one πŸ˜‰ Guess I’ll just have to go later some time… Next year maybe?

So what are you up to now then?Β 

Now? Now, I’m sitting here, enjoying the heck out of this smoothie πŸ˜‰


October – a crazy birthday month!

Here we are, already into the month of October. I can’t believe how fast time is going by! What on earth happened to September?

Oh yeah, that’s right, September I was knee deep into my declutter challenge, no wonder time flew by!

So… what have I got up my sleeve for this month?

All I can say, is, that there are going to be a few trips and a whole lot of celebrating πŸ˜€

ballonsYou see, October is the month for birthdays, and big ones at that!

Yesterday I celebrated my stepsister’s 50th. It was an awesome party, and a very, very late night πŸ˜‰

Next, is a trip to UK, to celebrate my brothers wife’s 40th birthday. Β We’ll be stopping at Mums for a couple of days first, and then it’s “London, here we come” πŸ˜€

As soon as I’m back from England, I’ve got a few days at home, before I’m off again. This time it’s Oslo time, to celebrate my younger stepbrother’s wife’s turning 40.

So you see what I mean by there being birthdays all around πŸ™‚

And what’s on the agenda as soon as all the birthday celebrations are over?

Well, then I’m off to a spa and wellness center, for 4 days of bliss πŸ™‚ (I’m gonna be needing to recover from all the partying you know 😎 )

Will you be hearing from me while I’m on the road? Off course! I will certainly try. Somewhere in all this I should find a moment or two, to jot down a few words!

A fair warning, mind you!

I will not be bringing my laptop on any of the trips. I was thinking of testing out a iPad mini only scenario. I would like to find out how well I can manage, especially on blog related stuff.

You see, I am working on this minimalist list of items to bring, on future travels, and if I find I can get away with iPad only, for blog related stuff (or any stuff really), I will have significantly lightened my load. And then… maybe… there might be some hope, that I can get down to my minimalist backpack.

OK! Confession time!

I have never really properly finalized a post without my laptop! I reckon there will be some trial and error until I get it right (and probably some cursing.. now lucky you, you won’t need to listen to that, poor B on the other hand… )

So, this is my disclaimer!

I give NO guarantees for how it’s gonna look… I’m just saying 😏


Happy Birthday Norway!

17 mai english

17 may, we celebrate Norway’s Constitution day.

It’s a day for celebration, parades and ice cream πŸ™‚

People wear colourful BunadsΒ Norway’sΒ national costumes.

The parades starts early in the morning. In Oslo, Norway’s capital, the parades go by the castle and are being greeted by the royal family.

The kids starts with the children parade early in the morning.

The high school graduates do their own parade.

The Folk parade, is a parade that includes just about everyone. It’s typical, all sorts of clubs, sports, police, fire service, marching bands, veterans, theatre and we could go on…

All in all it’s a fun filled day, with family and friends.

A video in english, by Andrew that explains and shows this well.

Happy birthday everyone!