October – a crazy birthday month!

Here we are, already into the month of October. I can’t believe how fast time is going by! What on earth happened to September?

Oh yeah, that’s right, September I was knee deep into my declutter challenge, no wonder time flew by!

So… what have I got up my sleeve for this month?

All I can say, is, that there are going to be a few trips and a whole lot of celebrating 😀

ballonsYou see, October is the month for birthdays, and big ones at that!

Yesterday I celebrated my stepsister’s 50th. It was an awesome party, and a very, very late night 😉

Next, is a trip to UK, to celebrate my brothers wife’s 40th birthday.  We’ll be stopping at Mums for a couple of days first, and then it’s “London, here we come” 😀

As soon as I’m back from England, I’ve got a few days at home, before I’m off again. This time it’s Oslo time, to celebrate my younger stepbrother’s wife’s turning 40.

So you see what I mean by there being birthdays all around 🙂

And what’s on the agenda as soon as all the birthday celebrations are over?

Well, then I’m off to a spa and wellness center, for 4 days of bliss 🙂 (I’m gonna be needing to recover from all the partying you know 😎 )

Will you be hearing from me while I’m on the road? Off course! I will certainly try. Somewhere in all this I should find a moment or two, to jot down a few words!

A fair warning, mind you!

I will not be bringing my laptop on any of the trips. I was thinking of testing out a iPad mini only scenario. I would like to find out how well I can manage, especially on blog related stuff.

You see, I am working on this minimalist list of items to bring, on future travels, and if I find I can get away with iPad only, for blog related stuff (or any stuff really), I will have significantly lightened my load. And then… maybe… there might be some hope, that I can get down to my minimalist backpack.

OK! Confession time!

I have never really properly finalized a post without my laptop! I reckon there will be some trial and error until I get it right (and probably some cursing.. now lucky you, you won’t need to listen to that, poor B on the other hand… )

So, this is my disclaimer!

I give NO guarantees for how it’s gonna look… I’m just saying 😏


20 thoughts on “October – a crazy birthday month!

    1. I really prefer doing any blogging related stuff on my computer as I can tinker with logos/pictures etc at the same time. If I find iPad works ok… I’m gonna have to find alternative apps/software for doing any logo/picture stuff for future travels. For these smaller trips while I’m testing… , don’t expect anything fancy (not that I ever HAD anything fancy on my blog anyways 😉 )

      Liked by 1 person

  1. I’m using my iPad mini to blog on holiday and have found it really easy but recommend you just use the internet version and not the app as I don’t think it works as well. Good luck and have a great holiday x

    Liked by 1 person

    1. What a great idea 🙂 I’ll give the internet version a try while I’m on the road!

      I’m with you on the app not being perfect, that’s mostly why I use my PC in the first time 😉

      I’ve already taken a quick look on the internet version through my iPad and it looks like it does on the PC (it’s the web browser version I use there as well), so there is hope I might be able to do this 🙂


  2. You are certainly going to be busy partying! Hope you have a lots of fun in the UK and of course on your other travels. January is our big birthday month with six family members (including me) being January babies. Very expensive and straight after Christmas too! Good luck with blogging from an iPad mini – I struggle with anything other than my desk-top Mac! I use my iPad for reading and commenting on blogs but writing my own – just can’t get along with it 😟. Enjoy the spa – you will have earns it after all that decluttering and partying!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Oh my, that’s a lot of birthdays in January. I have crazy Septembers and Octobers as not only there is family birthdays, but I also for some reason have a bunch of friends celebrating in these months as well…

      I hope it works out on the IPad, I’m like you.. mostly ONLY reading, liking and commenting on mine 😉

      I will absolutely be enjoying the SPA.. believe me 😉

      Will def be having fun in UK, bummer we are quite far apart.. it would have been fun to meet up for a coffee or a cup of tea 🙂

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  3. October is BDay months for my family as well. My step-dad and I share the 14ths, my sister’s is the 17th, her husband’s is the 10th, and my mom’s is the 5th. We do one big dinner at Thanksgiving and call it a day, haha.

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    1. Yes, England is nice… down south the temperature is better than here at home.. so that’s always lovely. And the hustle and bustle of London, I love… especially at night, with people out and about, going to restaurants, and theaters.. it’s an “happening” place..


    1. Yes, I’ve been following you for a while… it’s just for some reason, even though you do pop up in my followed blog reader stream, the WordPress app on my phone keeps telling me that I’m NOT following you 😳 go figure! So I just (to be on he safe side) pressed follow one more time.

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  4. I hope you had fun here in the UK! And seriously… what is it with October birthdays? The week of the 20th-30th is crazy for our family, too!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I don’t know, it’s like the world combined decided that January/February was a great time to make children. Maybe it’s all “the new year resolutions” that are to blame… you know the “have more sex” resolution, the “be more attentive to my spouse” resolution or maybe it’s the Christmas holidays discussions of… “We should try for a baby” Whatever it is… it’s sure been happening in January 😉

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