21:06 – Shredding like a Looney Tune!

2017-21-day-6It’s day six of this years first 21 day declutter challenge.

Whilst I’ve been sitting here, the last couple of weeks, feeling sorry for myself (that is what you do when you have the flu, isn’t it?) I have at least been a tiny bit useful with my time.

I have been going through some of my paper monster. You might remember I started a paper scan/purge task in December, well.. rather I tried, doing a scan/purge run, and I flunked miserably since I got hit with bad migraines.

Well.. during this flu (which is getting much better now, thank you) I decided to do some more paper purging (scanning I’m leaving for later), and I’ve been shredding papers like a looney tune.

I have a portable shredder that I use with a specific trash bin, because they fit together like gloves. I can typically shred around 200-250 pieces of paper before the bin is full. Food store receipts? Well then we are talking probably 700-800.

Why am I telling you this? It’s because as part of my 21 declutter challenge, I’m counting items, and I have decided that one full bin equals 10 items out-the-door.

So how did I do?

Well, let’s see… the last week or so, I’ve shredded 8 overfilled bins, resulting in

3 big bags of shredded paperΒ leaving the house!Β 


With my fancy bin counting this makes


Why do I shred my papers?

It’s because I value my privacy. Any information with personal details, I just shred by default.

It’s a good habit to have, because then I don’t have to worry to much about people finding a lot of details about me in the trash.

I’m hoping this will keep me safe from identity theft and such.

Am I done yet? Heck no.. I still have loads of paper to go through.. this was just shredding round number 1.

OK then… guess I should get back to the shredder then, for round 2…

13 thoughts on “21:06 – Shredding like a Looney Tune!

        1. Thank you πŸ™‚ I’m hoping to get a few hundred more items out of the house during this “21 day declutter challenge”. Yeah I know.. it’s taking waaaaaay more than 21 days.. but what the heck.. as long as it makes it out of the house, right πŸ˜‰

          My last years 21 day declutter challenge – https://minimalistsometimes.com/2016/09/26/21-22-the-last-bits-and-pieces/ yielded 392 items out-the-door. So far this year.. I’ve got that beat πŸ˜‰


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