Kitchen – Day 3

We didn’t do much yesterday! The next stage – pulling out the countertop – is a big job, and we decided we need a whole day for it, not just an afternoon.

The plan yesterday was to change out a cold water stopcock, because last time I tried it, I couldn’t get it to work properly. This time around, we figured it out and it seems to work after all. So we didn’t need to spend the time swapping it out, phew 🙂

So instead we spend a moment “practising” putting together the pieces that connects to the sink. You know, all the piping that eventually connects to the drains. I figured it was a good idea to know where everything would go before we started, it’s easier to figure it out when you are sitting on the floor with plenty of space around you, rather than when you are cramped under the sink, all worn out 🙂

And today? We are going to to attach the countertop, so stay tuned 😉

2014-10-26 14.52.05 2014-10-26 14.51.56

5 thoughts on “Kitchen – Day 3

    1. I think I have inherited my dads handyman abilities, I love it when I can work with tools (like garden and handyman tools), knitting and sewing… not so much 😉


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