21:11- An update!

day-11Here we are… oh gosh.. at day 11 of our 21 day challenge. I can’t believe it’s day eleven already.

I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to stand you guys up for such a long time. Seriously, standing anyone up for even a few minutes is pretty bad manners, and here I am, a week later, before you hear from me 😦

I know I have promised you an write up of the importance of shredding your papers. On the why’s, how’s and where’s. But I’m sorry to say, it will have to wait a few more days. You see, I’m monitoring my computer time. Any prolonged time hanging out in front of my PC is not helping my headache much, so for right now, I’m pacing myself.

I’m sure you guys can hold of the big shredding party a few more days.. right? 😉

So, since you aren’t giving us the know-how of shredding, you got any other updates for us? 

Well, yes.. as a matter of fact I do 😉 A very, very small, update!

Since I’ve been out, there have been a few days, where I didn’t get much (nothing… actually) done. Even so, there is slow (excruciating slow mind you) progress.

I’ve done a little bit of sorting, a tiny bit of scanning and my pile has moved up from 6 inches to 7 (yeah.. I know.. I told you it was dismally slow going).

Now hopefully, since it seems like I’m perking up some, and I have already sorted some of my future scans, there might? be a tiny, tiny hope of me getting something done over the next few day.

All I can say is.. I have this huge pile of things to scan.. I’m only about 1 fourth there.. it will be done… just might not be in 21 days, as there is only 10 days left 😦  (I did tell you it’s excruciating slow.. right? )



And how are everyone else faring at this challenge? 

– Melinda, at PurpleSlobinRecovery, is starting up her Paper Purgathon oh yeah.. and it seems like I’m still a queen 🙂
– Viv, at GriefHappens, said she needed to be on this “like an over-sugared kid in a bouncy house”, and are joining with 30 minutes a day 🙂
– Jena, at All Round Better me,  is easing into this.. slowly 😉
– Amy, at More time than money, joining with 60 minutes a week
– Grace, at The CFO MOM Blog, joining too
– Barb, at Decluttering The Stuff, has gone through some of her papers as well.. but is staying far away from the scanning part (and I don’t blame her..)
– Jen, at The Hidden Hoarder, is working hard on the living room and front porch, and are filling bags of paper as she finds them, she might be with us now that Thanksgiving is over… sorting out some of the bags she has collected.

Still sitting on the fence
– Gilly, at Anything Except Housework is waiting to see if we survive it all 😉


10 thoughts on “21:11- An update!

  1. I just went through a huge shred-a-thon back earlier this year. It’s so important, not only to clear up some space but also to help protect you from identity theft. I love my shredder, and my kids love to help shred! Less work for me. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  2. SEriously?? IT CAN NOT be day 11 already!! Wow! I hope you get better soon, Anne. Prayers for quick recovery.
    Your pile is going up?? from 6 to 7?? I don’t get that? I thought we were supposed to be purging the piles, not adding to them! lol

    Liked by 1 person

    1. ha, ha, ha… lol, I know.. time is flying by way to fast. And about that pile.. I know.. it should get smaller shouldn’t it.. except this was the “scanned, ready to be shredded” pile.. you know.. the DONE pile 😉 When that pile is growing, the “left to sort and scan” pile is getting smaller 😉

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